AD CITY南面Warradale近Oaklands火车站、Marion购物中心一房招租
房源编号: #64522 AD南面好房出租!位于WARRADALE区 FIRST AVE,三房两厅两卫,精致新房,单人间招租。近MARION SHOPPING CENTER 和LIBRARY,走路数分钟可达。OAKLANDS火车站就在200米外,火车到CITY约20分钟。主街背面,闹中取静,出门即是公交车站,有260、262、264、640、245等多路公车。125刀一周包水电气网,适合长租,短登者可在附近Marion的各个银行、Central Link等办理登录手续。 6月18日可入住。电0061-423-879-355(Optus)或0061-425-240-188(3G)王小姐,或电邮,或QQ留言983717639。
Tidy and cozy house on FIRST AVE, WARRADALE,SA. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and seperate toilets. Walking distance to Coles, Marion Shopping Center and Marion Library. OAKLANDS railway station is 5 minutes' walk away, with train arriving city in 20 minutes. There are also bus stations (260、262、264、640、245, etc.) just opposite to the road.
One bedroom for lease, $125 per week all included for long stay single. Available on June-18, 2009. Call Ms. Wang 0061-423-879-355(Optus) or 0061-425-240-188(3G), or mail