澳大利亚英文外教 – 英文作文论文修改润色
2016-11-19 10:09643

澳大利亚英文外教 英文作文论文修改润色

Professional Editing & Proofreading Services - EssayAssignment Report Paper

陳老師精英補習 提供英文作文,论文修改润色服务。我们可以根据您的要求,通过论文辅导,语法更正,内容润色,编辑修改等方面,来帮助您完成任务并顺利通过考试。



我们绝不会向任何个人或机构泄露您的隐私。我们致力于在充分保护您隐私的前提下,为您提供优质的服务。短信和电子邮件可以省时省力以达到高效率的目的。 我们保证在约定时间之前完成。


陳老師精英補習Mr Chen Coaching由陈老师Chris Chen创办。陈老师有华裔背景,出生于澳大利亚悉尼。2014年以优异成绩毕业于全澳连续20年第一名的精英中学,James Ruse Agricultural High School,并获得新南威尔士州州长Mike Baird,颁发的全科杰出成绩(Band 6)荣誉证书和州长亲笔签名贺信。并以该优异成绩顺利考入大学,医科在读。

陈老师在取得了多所补习学校的教学经验后,创建了陳老師精英補習 Mr Chen Coaching。陈老師精英補習是澳大利亚政府部门正规注册(ABN 58 909 732 281)的补习中心。我们可以根据您的具体情况提供高品质的专业服务。



0470 037 117 海外61 470 037 117(英文)

0416 084 078 海外61 416 084 078(中文)


Hi, my name is Christopher Chen and I am offering professional editing services for both high school and university essays. I understand that being of a non English-speaking background can make it extremely hard to write an essay that is coherent, logical and grammatically correct. These skills can take many years to perfect as they are extremely difficult to acquire. However, I am here to help you achieve the perfect essay, so you do not have to worry about producing bad pieces of writing.

I have the skills to edit your essay as I graduated from James Ruse Agricultural High School, the top ranking high school in NSW for 25 consecutive years and has never been beaten in the national NAPLAN examination. I graduated as a "Premier's All Rounder" with a Band 6 in my HSC English examination. I was only able to gain this prestigious mark through my impeccable writing abilities.

If you would like me to help edit your essay to make it as perfect as it can be, contact me on 0470037117 or via email chrisfromruse@gmail.com

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