房源编号: #43265 此房位于南湖之滨,从房内就可以看到美丽的南湖景色,一下楼便是南湖边.同时拥有一个很大的阳台.房内家具电器齐全,包括空调、电视、冰箱、热水器、洗衣机、微波炉、饮水机、橱具等以及实木家具、有线电视、无线宽贷网络。您只需要携带自己的衣物便可轻松入住.房屋温馨、非常适合小家庭或单身人士居住。The primus locates at the shore of lake ….. , provides immediate access to the lake and spectacular view . The furnished unit includes a broad balcony along with all furnitures and appliances such as : air conditioning system , television set , refrigerator , water heater , washing machine , microwave , water cooler , kitchen ware , cable tv and internet connection ; deliver the best living quality and convinience for single residences or small household at their best and warmest satisfaction