Looking for a room in apt in/around jersey city. move-in: June.
2006-04-09 11:344300
  • 价格:¥500.00/美元
  • 卫生间:0.5
房源编号: #15899 Looking for a room in an apt, for about $400-650/month, in or around Jersey City, preferablly in Hoboken or in/around newport Jersey City area. Move-in date: mid-June.

Working professional just starting out, female, non-smoking, no pets, clean and neat.Looking for female housemates, no more than 2 people.

Need the apt to be close to Hoboken-Bergen Light Rail or the PATH train stations (within 5-7 minute walk), and easy access to supermarket/grocery store.

Preferred: uitilities included, washer/dryer in bldg or unit, Internet Connection, furnished.

Please email to address listed above
gia.in.nyc at gmail.com
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